Tag: Sex Wipes

The Lube Cleanser Sex Wipes! make it easy and leave you feeling fresh. Can Reduce STD and STI’s

Sex is messy. Especially when there’s two men involved, or if you or your lady partner happen to be a squirter. Most of the guys behind SLICK are gay, and we know the toil of having to clean up after sex.

Cum is sticky, it can smell funny, and if you use a regular towel, your silicone-based lube might stain it! Countless sheets have been lost to spilled bottles of silicone-based lube. This is why SLICK designed our cleanser towel to remove silicones, and body fluids from you, your sheets, your furniture, the floor – wherever sex happens, SLICK’s Sex Wipes got clean-up covered.

Easy, clean, and totally disposable – open a fresh wipe, clean up and discard. They can be thrown away in the garbage or flushed down the toilet, our cloth wipes are environmentally safe and hypoallergenic. Safe for the skin of your most sensitive special places.

As gay men, we know sex isn’t always conveniently located. SLICK Sex Wipes give you the freedom to fuck wherever, however, and with whoever you want. Keep them in the car, or in the nightstand, take them camping, or to the club. They combo well with lube, condoms, and poppers, but if you’re the spit-on-it and stick-it-in type of guy, they’re handy for clean-up afterward.

It’s always good to give the genitals a good cleaning after knocking ’em up against your partner. SLICK Sex Wipes make it easy and leave you feeling fresh.

SLICK Sex Wipes are also sheet-savers. Like other gay men, we love silicone or oil-based lubricants, but they murder your sheets with large, dark stains or spattering patterns of dots that never come out, no matter how many times you washed them. SLICK Sex Wipes will cleanse sheets of silicone or oil-based lubricants and all your cummie bears with ease. A quick wipe before washing them will also help cleanse any remains if you had a particularly wild time.

SLICK Sex Wipes can also be used before and after using any toys. Silicone, rubber, plastic, wood, metal, and glass devices can all be cleansed with our wipes. This is an excellent standard of care that will help ensure sanitary use of toys, as well as extend the life of the toy itself.

Whether on the go or at home, kinky wild group sessions, or just Friday night with your boo, SLICK Sex Wipes are there to help you clean up and maintain all your belongings. You’ll love to use them, again and again, and again.

©2025 The Lube Club, Tender Lovin Care, Great Skin Better Sex,